The Physics and Astrophysics of Very High Energy Sources: Observations, Phenomenology, Theory

The Columbia-DIAS-Yale (CDY) Initiative is a series of seminars/meetings established by Columbia University (New York), Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (Dublin), and Yale University (New Haven). The initiative will sponsor several activities: a series of introductory lectures on current topics, biennial summer schools (for PhD students and early career researchers), focused mini-workshops, and joint research projects. The initiative is aimed at motivated young researchers beginning their careers (in particular PhD students and early career postdocs), with a focus on addressing current topics in astroparticle physics, theory and phenomenology, observations, and interpretations. Other activities are also planned, such as the exchange of visitors between the institutions and the organization of small (in-person) group meetings focused on specialized topics.

View the latest schedule for the DIAS-CDY Workshop on Gamma-Ray Loud Binaries here.